Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi
Make room in your kitchen!

Make room in your kitchen for the Sharp refrigerator with Japanese technology.

With Sharp refrigerators with Plasmacluster technology, your food is always as fresh as the first day.

J-Tech inverter technology
AG + Nano Scent holder

Kurumsal Çözümler
Support Additional Warranty

We provide our customers with an additional guarantee opportunity not only for the first sale but also for our products that you have used for up to 2 years.
1. New product sales
2. Within 6 months of product sale
3. Within 6-12 months after product sale
4. Within 12-24 months after the sale of the product

For more information

Additional Warranty
İklimSA 35 Yıl Üzeri Hizmet
İklimSA Dünya Markaları
500 den Fazla Satış ve Servis Ağı
500 den Fazla Satış ve Servis Ağı
500 den Fazla Satış ve Servis Ağı